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Celebrating Longevity and Dedication: Swami Sivananda and Charlotte Chopin Shine on International Yoga Day

June 21, 2024 – On this International Yoga Day, the world takes inspiration from two remarkable yoga masters whose lives epitomize the profound impact of yoga on longevity and well-being. Swami Sivananda, a 126-year-old yoga guru from India, and Charlotte Chopin, a 101-year-old yoga instructor from France, stand as living testaments to the power of yoga and disciplined living.

Swami Sivananda, known as the oldest Indian and the happiest man, graced the SportsExpo at Hitex, Madhapur, this Sunday morning. Invited to participate in a special yoga session, Yoganamami, Swami Sivananda demonstrated his extraordinary skills, performing asanas such as Paschimottanasana, Sarvangasana, and Pavanamuktasana before a captivated audience of over 1000 yoga enthusiasts. This visit marked his first to the city of Hyderabad, and he expressed his admiration for the warmth and spirit of the Hyderabadis.

In a candid interaction with the media, Swami Sivananda attributed his long and healthy life to a simple, disciplined lifestyle. "Life without money, no donations, no desire, no oil, salt, milk, fruit, no day sleeping, and guru Omkarananda Goswami’s Kripa have all led to my disease-free 126 years," he shared. He emphasized the importance of Sarvangasana and Matsyasana for rejuvenation and advised the youth to incorporate these practices into their daily routine.

Swami Sivananda's daily regimen is a model of simplicity and discipline. Rising at 3 AM, he begins his day with ablution, an hour-long walk, worship, and prayer. He eats minimal meals, avoiding breakfast, and follows a strict diet devoid of fast food and rich in boiled potatoes, chapatis, puffed rice, and barley porridge. His dedication to a life of celibacy and service, particularly to leprosy-affected individuals, underscores his commitment to living a life of purpose and compassion.

On the other side of the world, Charlotte Chopin, a 101-year-old French yoga practitioner, was recently honored with the Padma Shri, India's fourth-highest civilian award, during the Padma Awards 2024 at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Charlotte began her yoga journey at the age of 50 and has been teaching yoga for over four decades. Her contributions have significantly popularized yoga in France, making it a mainstream fitness practice.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who met Charlotte Chopin in Paris last year, praised her dedication to yoga and her efforts in promoting it globally. President Droupadi Murmu, while presenting the award, acknowledged Chopin's remarkable journey and her role in breaking age-related barriers through her unwavering commitment to yoga.

As we celebrate International Yoga Day, the stories of Swami Sivananda and Charlotte Chopin remind us of the timeless benefits of yoga. Their lives inspire millions to embrace this ancient practice, not just as a physical exercise but as a holistic approach to health, longevity, and inner peace.

Both masters exemplify how yoga transcends cultural and geographical boundaries, uniting people worldwide in the pursuit of well-being. Their legacies encourage us to adopt a lifestyle of simplicity, discipline, and compassion, fostering a global community rooted in the principles of yoga.

International Yoga Day, celebrated annually on June 21, aims to raise global awareness about the many benefits of practicing yoga. This day highlights yoga's holistic approach to health and well-being, promoting peace and harmony among individuals and communities worldwide.


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